Dog Headshots

to Benefit Central Vermont Humane Society

Central Vermont Human Society Logo

Vermont's premier headshot photographer of humans is offering a special fundraising event for the Central Vermont Humane Society on June 8, 2024
(part of the annual Walk for the Animals event).

What Are Dog Headshots?

Just that. Close-up, intimate portraits captured in a carefully controlled environment that results in a clean, revealing presentation of your dog's personality.

If your pup can sit on command, will respond positively to toys, treats, and the attention offered by a photographer who loves dogs, this could be a great fit.

These are very short (5-minute) sessions, and we will be shooting them in a pop-up tent on the State House Lawn (to control the light). [Nota bene: The samples above are on a black background; we will be shooting this day on a white background.]

You can reserve a slot for your dog (and, yes, we can potentially do other animals, if they can handle all the dogs around), by using the scheduling calendar below. Pick a 15-minute slot that works for you, and you will share that time slot with up to 2 other subjects (so please be on time and be puppy-patient...)

What Does it Cost?

These dog headshot sessions are free when you make a $50 donation to CVHS (donations may be tax deductible, check with your accountant). The donation is due at the time of booking and is non-refundable. You should expect to get at least a half-dozen shots of your dog in various states of repose, excitement, curiosity...

If wifi on the statehouse lawn is cooperative, your images will be delivered immediately to a secure private gallery, the link being sent to your registered email address. If wifi is unwilling, you will get them later in the day, after the event concludes.

What Do I Bring?

Mostly, you want to bring a chill, curious pup. Your dog will need to be on a leash at all times (we can edit that out later if you like).

And we may need your help getting your doggo to sit up straight, sit still, and face the camera – you may want to practice that a bit if your pup is generally the anxious sort.

Sorry, no time for outfit changes or primping on the set. Five minutes is five minutes! :)

Advance Registration Has Closed

We do still have a few slots open between 9:45 and 11:45. You can just show up at our tent and with a few QR code scans get signed up. If you prefer to pay cash, you can make your donation at the CVHS table, and they will give you a golden ticket to get your pup photographed.