Instant Headshots

A Turnkey Solution for Large Groups

An Instant Headshot Lounge creates buzz and value.
For trade shows: It's a great attractor to your booth.
For large companies: instant delivery is a life-saver.
  • Having a company-wide event and bringing in team members from all over the region or country? Instant Headshots are a fantastic way to get everyone's profile professionalized, to bring currency and consistency to your Team pages, LinkedIn profiles, brochures, and more.
  • Doing a trade show, conference, or recruiting event? Instant Headshots offer an unparalleled way to draw attention to your booth, to associate your brand/company with value, and to easily capture leads.
Instant delivery
Personalized galleries
Lead generation
ZERO admin work for you



 easy, fast, and high-quality

No worries. We got this. Our Instant Headshots offer you:

  • Friction-free registration before the event or on the day
  • Fun, well-coached photo experience delivering consistent, amazing headshots
  • Instant image delivery to private, personal galleries
  • Easy photo/retouching selection – zero work for organizers
  • Great branding opportunities
  • Retouching service as a paid add-on for subjects
  • Zero-touch, accurate lead generation for post-event marketing

StoryWorkz's Instant Event Headshots is a fully-featured, five-star experience. And, as the sponsor or host, none of the logistical or fulfillment work falls on you, but you get all the credit.

there will be zero admin work for you afterward.
we will handle everything and everyone will have their images within moments of being photographed.

How it Works

If this is a single company event, you send us a spreadsheet of all team members containing their name and email, then we seamlessly link that with their image capture. We can also set up a private scheduling page for people to select a shooting time, so we can minimize lines, maximize efficiency, and take all the admin burden off your shoulders.

If this is a lead-capture-focused event, visitors scan a QR code to sign in (or we set up our iPad for quick sign-up), and enter their name and email address. We can also set up an registration portal prior to the event. We will text subjects a reminder 15 minutes before their appointment, and when it is their turn, all they have to do is show up and provide their name.

Photo of Instant Headshot Setup

In either case, each person gets a few minutes in front of the camera, with expert coaching, and then they are sent a link to their best 5-6 images (un-retouched), just moments later via a secure link.

Depending on the service options you have requested:

  • subjects can download any or all of the images and use them for their personal profile, etc. (normal for lead-capture-focused event).
  • subjects can choose the one image they like best for download and/or retouching (normal for single-company event).

When the event is over, if this is a lead-capture situation, we send you a spreadsheet with all the subjects' names and email addresses.

Easy. Fast. Fun.
And everyone has a great new headshot
to share on social, to elevate the brand.

How Much, How Many?

Pricing depends on the size and timing of the event, so we'll need to know more about your event and location, then we can give you a specific quote.

Our Instant Event Headshots station can capture up to about 20-25 persons per hour (which is up to 150-200 subjects in a full day). We can offer supplemental stations for busier events.

Additional Notes

  • We capture high-resolution images of all attendees and deliver files scaled for online presentation (higher-resolution delivery is also possible).
  • Images can be delivered instantly to subjects, or at the end of the event to the organizer (company).
  • As an option, we can set our system up so that subjects select the image they want to have retouched, then only retouched images will be downloadable by the subject, but final retouched images can also be delivered en masse to the company.
  • A standard commercial usage license is granted to the subject and/or company, as it applies.
  • For public events, a lead list of all people photographed and their contact info is supplied via a spreadsheet.
  • We also capture individual model releases for all persons photographed.


Optional Add-Ons

Hair and Makeup
So that everyone will look their best, we can arrange for a hair and makeup person to be on-site to give a quick zhuzh or comb-out, fixing stray hairs and dabbing away shiny bits.

The images straight from our carefully calibrated system are generally quite sufficient for online profiles, LinkedIn, and more.

As an alternative, for an extra fee we can we offer automatic Basic Retouching (brighten eyes and teeth, smooth blemishes, fix some stray hairs) on all images sent to galleries. 

We also offer Enhanced Retouching – a more detailed, hand-retouching, for an additional per-image fee. This is generally for single-company events. We share individual galleries with subjects and they select the image they want to have retouched. We then retouch the image and deliver it back to the subject's individual gallery and/or en masse to the company.